SKILLS & EXPERTISEWe work on following technologies and platformsUSER EXPERIENCE AND INTERFACE DESIGNUSER EXPERIENCE AND INTERFACE DESIGNOnce we have finalized the idea, we will generate design layout for home page and other inner pagesFRONT END DEVELOPMENTFRONT END DEVELOPMENTFor the approved designs, we code them using latest tools and generate clickable prototype of the website.SERVER SIDE TECHNOLOGIESSERVER SIDE TECHNOLOGIESWe will develop backend for you and deploy it in your production environment.WEB CMSWEB CMSWe provide user friendly CMS through which every aspect of a website can be managed without touching a single line of code.E-COMMERCE SOLUTIONSE-COMMERCE SOLUTIONSThe web segments that AAlogics Extensively work is of e-Commerce/Shopping carts development.MOBILE APPLICATIONSMOBILE APPLICATIONSWe provide both native and hybrid both mobile application development services.CLOUD PLATFORMS AMAZON WEB SERVICESCLOUD PLATFORMS AMAZON WEB SERVICESWe can set-up sites on amazon web services (AWS) Server.ENTERPRISE SOLUTIONSENTERPRISE SOLUTIONSWe provide magento enterprise development service.QA & TESTINGQA & TESTINGWe have analytical mindset QA experts with extensive testing skills to ensure the consistent quality of the developed applications.SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATIONSEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATIONWe have analytical mindset QA experts with extensive testing skills to ensure the consistent quality of the developed applications.APPROACHAPPROACHThis is where we determine scope, define requirements and select tools for the project.LINUX ADMINISTRATIONLINUX ADMINISTRATIONWe provide high-level, day-to-day operational maintenance, support and upgrades for complex operating systems. work stations and Linux server for end users in a dynamic software development.